Wednesday, May 5, 2010

sorry for the delay

I have been extremely busy getting my black belt in tae kwon do, finishing high school and JTED and its hard to get another episode up, so if you guys bear with me I can do it, just at the end of the school year so in maybe June. Again I am sorry for the delay!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Episode 2

In this episode we basically Covered:
Shamanism and Paganism
3 Fold Law that Fire Lyte and Witches Brewhaha Discussed, which I disagreed with
Our last Segment:
New iPad
Sex addiction in celebrities
Controversy in Catholic church
Project Pagan Enough

Opening song:
With One Word (House of Cards)- Alana Grace
A Pagan In The Threshold- Meadowmoon

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rant Rant...Episode 1

In Episode 1 I basically covered who the hell we are and how I Renee came out of the brook closet. I also talked about the lessons I have learned about the darker side of paganism. I then lost train of thought -_- crap..
Anyway the music that was used in it:
David R. Maracle
Aramantine by Enya

I also used a few promos see our podbean for more.
I am just not talkative today and I do not feel like explaining it. Sorry

Love and Blessings

Here is our Podbean!!!

Follow us on Podbean!!! WHoot!!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Promo and Episode one are finally up!!!

After a while of thinking and some what my annoyance and boredom I recorded the Promo and Episode one. So yeah Hope you all enjoy it

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Religious Tolerance

I am going to start ranting here..i just listened to Fire Lyte...Yeah I am pretty much burning inside with hatred. I am sorry but someone should not be fired for their religion or who they are. I mean really from my understanding we were done with this stuff a long time ago. It is sickening that someone could get let go because of their religious standing. Remember Project Pagan Enough?? Yeah well it stands here and now. We also need to be accepting of other's religions NOW. If not now when? If we dont know it ourselves what is going to happen to society because of not accepting each other? Our kids wont KNOW how to treat others and hate crimes will probably increase fast and people will not be able to understand each other. It just SICKENS ME!!!!
This is America, the Constitution states that there is freedom of religion, expression, speech..
But why is this not happening??? I understand that America was a prodiminately a Christian State but it needs to STOP here and now. The predjudice needs to stop here and now.... I do not want to hear people whining that our president is stupid just because of his race, he is smart. For one example of the thing he did to really change this society was creating jobs. He is cleaning up the mess that the last president left for us. PEOPLE GET OVER URSELVES!!!!

Another topic to cover thanks to my man:
People need to stop trying to convert others to their religions, it is annoying as hell and its rude. Yeah if you say to me one more time that I am going to die for not changing to another religion I swear to the Goddess I will punch you square in the face and make you suffer greatly and I will slam your religion back, I am not usually like this but I have HAD ENOUGH of the stupidity!!! Let live those who wish in their religion and their lives dammit...Leave us alone we do not try and convert you ever!!!!
Thank you very much!!! I think I am done ranting now and I will turn it over to Rick.
Love and lots of light

Rick here, ok seriously i get everything trust me i have met my fair share of cretans undeserving of any emotion because of wut they do for their religion. like seriously way back wen we had people killing others just cuz of their race then it was life styles and now its turned to religion. come on first ammendment people ever heard of it well of course not cuz a lot of people havent gone to school havent learned wut the constitution is or wut is even written on it but the thing that gets me is even those academic scholars who are history majors or social studies majors do exactly wut people do today. they condemn people for wut they believe in and its wrong cuz they know the constitution like the back of their hand yet for some plain to see reason they dont take into account the one section of the first ammendment the is actually probably written in BIG BOLD lettering saying hey u peeps can believe in wut ever u want so go forth and believe but no who ever listens to the constitution i mean come on people its our nations foundation get with the program and if not shape up or shove off cuz i personally dont tolerate that and oh there is a little phrase that goes " wut starts with T and ends in olerance" yeah well in this line of work that doesnt apply cuz its stupid and people shouldnt be getting beat up, maimed, burned, massacred, or butchered because of wut they believe in. just give in to the fact that they dont want to be a part of ur religion heaven knos i'm not going to conform to someone pushing me around trying to get me to change my religion to wut-ever-u-believe-in-ism its just not gonna happen so like i said before shape up or shove off cuz i would like to be in a country where i can believe wut i want and not get critizised with a freaking scar on my chest or lashes on my back.

Hey its Renee Again:
Thanks hun, yeah it is stupid and we have the constitution for a REASON!!!
We are done with the era of being lashed on the back being told to believe in a certain thing. Yeah well screw it. I was brought up in a Jewish house hold. And me changing my religious views was not accepted right away then they really learned what I meant and they loved it.
I would never push my significant other to believe in what I do. If he does then fine I dont care. I am accepting of his religion as he is of mine.
Why do people go for religion and why the hell does it matter so damn much?! We are who we are and we will not change or conform just for a person's satisfaction. Again I am going back to the Wiccan Rede: Live and Let Live. DUHHHH!!!
I am also going for an unspoken Wiccan rule: Do not try and convert others to our religion is they do not wish so or if they are happy who they are. It is also THREE FOLD...YEAH I SAID IT FOLKS THREE FOLD...Your eyes can read right? And your mouths can speak and your ears can listen to what I am saying. Three times bad and three times good. We are suffering three times bad and three times good of what we do to others. So is everyone else. Wicca/Paganism is not alone in this. People need to open up their damn minds already..It is disgusting me to NO END...!!!!

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Merry Ostara =)

Hey ya'll Merry Ostara. Hope that you had fun bringing in the Spring Time =). I had fun doing circle casting and a altar blessing for the Goddess and God. Here is my altar, sorry I did not get a picture of my circle I kinda forgot.
Well many blessings and light =)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Pagan Enough Project!!!

Project Pagan Enough is a movement created by the amazing Fire Lyte in order to raise awareness for the treatment of one another in public. Despite how people dress or act. It does not matter your beliefs, your values , your practices, etc. You are Pagan enough!!! =)
Visit Fire Lyte's blog in order to see the checklist and everything =)
Love and Blessings
Renee ****

Thursday, February 25, 2010


There are many types of healing that I, Renee practice. I mostly work with Reiki (Energy Healing), crystals and circle healings.

I am going to give you a little taste of what I do right here, and I am going to start with Reiki and I am going to explain it alittle bit for some understanding of what I do.

Reiki: I focus my energy and my white light on the injury, trying to heal the person, and heal the spot that has been injurdered or is in need of healing. I also have a specific hand placement that I use. Generally I put my hands faced down side by side together and focus hard, letting that light and energy flow through my hands. I also wear my amethyst crystal when I do this.

My preperation for energy healing:

I do a circle casting OR I just light a white, blue or purple candle, or all three and ask for permission to use the energy from Maka (Mother Nature) to heal this person. Then I cleanse my crystal in salt a good hour before the healing is conducted. After the healing I always cleanse my crystal in the moon light or the sun light in the salt.


This one is pretty basic and depends on your own healing crystal, mine as I explained above is amethyst. How to find your healing crystal is by spreading out the crystals in a line and running ur left hand over each of the crystals, one will draw you to it by strong energy and you feel a sort of connection to it. It's alittle hard to explain to be honest. ANYWAY before you use it be sure to cleanse it in sea salt or rock salt your choice, or just plain old table salt, what ever you choose to use. Put it in the sunlight, or the moonlight which ever feels strongest to you. Ask the Goddess or God, whatever you believe in to lend you the energy from the crystal to heal a certain person, animal or yourself. Crystals are AMAZING...honestly..I love my amethyst, and yes I have alot of it. Place the crystal on any of the chakras that indicate the area that needs to be healed, feel the energy flow through the crystal and also your hands, see the energy flowing through it, and keep working with it until that area is healed or if the sickness is gone.

Circle Healings:
Basically I just cast a circle with 6 candles, light going clockwise in order to heal, I also put crystals around the middle candle, and incantate my healing prayer, say the person's name and reason to be healed then I light the middle candle.

That is all for healing =)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wiccan Rede Breakdown

So we are here to talk about the Wiccan Rede itself and what it really means, I am not going to go line by line but I am going to cover the most important sections of it. These breakdowns are my enterpertation of the Wiccan Rede alone and not views of others, but solely my own, if you don't like it please just let me know. Thanks Renee

I got the Wiccan the rede from I do not own the rede at all...

The first Clause:

Bide within the Wiccan law you must in perfect love and perfect trust

Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give

The Breakdown: basically we live in perfect love and perfect trust, nothing strays from that. we are honest with each other and we love each other for who we are, and we also love the goddess and we also trust each other. We have to be able to trust eachother fully becuase with out trust, we cannot perform rituals fairly and we have no trust in each other to do so.

Fairly take and fairly give is basically about taking what we need: as in energy or healing, and we have to be able to return it: 3 fold, what ever is given comes back to you three times as strong.

Basically, dont mess with your power that is given to you.

The second clause:

For thread the circle thrice about to keep unwanted spirits out.

To bind the spell well every time, and let the spell be said in rhyme.

Breakdown:Basically walk around the circle every time in order to keep spirits out that are not needed. You don't want bad spirits in your circle TRUST ME...BAD idea...Satanism basically wants evil spirits in their circles, and we want good spirits, gods and goddesses. Clockwise is to do something, counter clockwise is to undo something. Ok the thing about spells, they do not always need to be said in a rhyme, I honestly don't say things in a rhyme, it is a pain in the butt, I get my intentions out by not rhyming and it has the same afects.

Thirdish Clause:

Speak you little listen much

Honor the Old ones in Deed and Name

let love and light be our guides again.

Breakdown: Don't talk more than you listen, honor the dead...

and of course the most important part of it:

An' It Harm None Do What Ye Will

basically it says what it says...if it dosent harm anyone go ahead with itand remember to not create chaos or do something stupid to urself. DUH

Outsider Opinion (Rick Price): ok so from my perspective of all of this is only use what you need even rituals cuz i would think over using something will off set the balance something will go chaotically wrong. there cannot be love where there is no trust as one would say so the whole first clause ties itself together by saying u must trust your partner as well as yourself and then you can find love and loves sweet gifts. and exactly as Renee said the third clause is self explanitory so as Forest Gump says "Stupid is as stupid does"

Renee: Ok sweety it is also used in general life...we will talk about this on the podcast..

Friday, February 12, 2010

Wicca and Neo Paganism

So many people constantly mistake (Neopaganism) and Paganism (Wicca, eartly religions etc.) But why? There are some possible answers below:
1. They think since we use a 5 pointed stars to cast a circle that we are going to cause harm.
2. They think that since we have an open mind and that we can heal not harm, that we are going to just harm people. HELOOO I am going to go back to the Wiccan Rede here: "An' it harm none so do what ye will" COME ON are people that stupid?
3. People are too lazy to click on a new tab on their computers and do research on their own. I keep getting the same question: "What is Wiccanism? It sounds like Satanism...I mean you are doing witchcraft" OH COME ON please just do your own research and stop asking stupid drives me insane and honestly it pisses me off to no end.
4. Their religion, their Priest or the bible might tell them that any kind of healing is Satanic. Uhmm alright when have we ever harmed anyone? Does this say brainwashing to anyone other then me? I mean open up your mind already...please?
I mean we are accepting to your religion accept ours and stop trying to convert people that are happy the way that they are.
5. Neo Pagan rituals consists of some blood offerings of some kind. We have hopefully never done that...I mean ew...thats just not what the Wiccan Rede states..."Harm None do what ye will" We use candles and items to represent the elements...=) never blood. never...ever...Food, drinks, candles and insence are ok but never blood. Ok I think I got my thought out. Haha =)

Outsider opinion:

Ok so i get the whole thing about people thinking wicca is being satanic and stuff like that but honestly and i mean to be truthfully honest anyone who thinks that is an idiot. Flat out an idiot. i know in my heart that wicca is no form of what the church considers witchcraft and trust me on this i am episcapalion which is a branch of the christian church so i know what i am talking about and no i am not taking my partners side just because i am with her i know this to be true because I did my own research on this. So anyone willing to challenge this is welcome to be blown out of the water but get your info straight before confronting it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

About the Podcast and Club

Mountainside Pagans is about Pagans from Northern Arizona University getting out of the broom closet and experiencing other religions, and outside views.We talk about:
Religious Tolerance
Meditation stratagies
Circle casting
Crystal Work
Tarot Cards
And other topics that we need to cover.
To let us know you are interested just follow us
Love and Light
Renee and Rick

Friday, January 8, 2010

My Out of the Broom Closet Story

On the eve of my 13th birthday, Kayla M. pulled me into my closet and closed the door. She said something was unique and special about me, that I never knew. Basically that I was Wiccan, and that I was able to "heal others". At that time I thought yeah right, uh huh. I was very spectical of it. The years went on, and discovered myself becoming more interested in Native American history, crystal healing and Reiki. I started to do Reiki on my mom first, her shoulder was killing her and so I tried my best to help her. She was then saying "Oh my God Renee you have healing powers..seriously" I was thinking to myself:"that is not" Since I come from a Jewish family.
At still age 13, I got bat mitzvahed, and when I was worshipping the Jewish God, I realized that I was not thinking of the God but a woman. At the time she was speaking me telling me to finish and that it was ok to finish the service. I did so. I then started dropping the Jewish religion in my life.
I at age 15 came out of the Shamanic Closet with my family. They were not surprised. Which was weird. I started to discover my spirirt guide, Magnisha and Kevion. My grandma, on my stepdad's side of the family taught me crystal healing. I loved it =)
My grandma on my biological side just got back from a trip in Michigan, they brought me a packet of Native American words and saying, I began learning on my own. Later that year, I met the people who changed my life completely, Moek and her friend, who's name is who I cannot remember, I have not talked to her in a while becuase she dropped her Shamanic side.
At age 17, I came out from the broom closet with my family, my friends already knew. I started to do Full Moon celebrations, circle castings and healings. Everyone was amazed as I worshipped the Goddess and the God, and they became to agree that Wicca was the lifestyle for me. I obtained my first Wiccan necklace, a celtic knotwork with a triquetra. My mom helps me with my rituals and she is proud to do so, she always says that I do it to heal, not to harm, and that is also what the Wiccan Rede says.
My family is proud of me, my Grandma on my stepdad's side gave me my first Goddess Statue to add to my altar, the Chakra Goddess. =)

Intro to us

Hey everyone this is Renee and Rick. We are girlfriend and boyfriend trying to spread the word of Paganism to those still in the broom closet. Coming to you our fabulous audience from our base camp at Northern Arizona University.
Renee: I am going to be a freshman, and I am going to study Criminal Justice and Criminology. I have been a Wiccan since 5 years ago and loving it =)
Rick: I am going to also be a freshman at NAU to study metalsmithing and precious stone crafting (AKA: jewelry making). I am the outsider's opinion towards the practice and faith of Wicca and Paganism but i don't hate on them at all.

About the Podcast:
We will cover various topics about:
-circle casting
-Other religions: Judiasm, Christianity, Satanism (I know some are you are booo hiss not this, but we need to see how it all relates to our way of life/religion)
-Outside opinions
-and some random randomness thrown in by Rick =)
So join us hope you have a good time listening and GET OUT OF THE BROOM CLOSET ALREADY!!!!